How do I add a second administrator with full permission rights for my account?

Please note that the second administrator with full permission rights will be able to make ANY changes to the account e.g. activation of new accounts, upgrade/downgrade hosting plan, service termination etc,
If you are adding a sub-administrator i.e. administrator who receives all notifications and request for upgrades/downgrades, please refer to "How do I add a sub-administrator for my account?"

To add a second administrator with full permission rights to an account:

1. Login to your customer account via
Login Page
 2. Select "New Contact" from the main account summary page
Account Summary Page
3. Fill up the form with the second administrator's information
Contacts Main Page
4. Select the checkbox "Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access" and select all the checkboxes under "Sub-Account Permissions".
    For more information on what each permission entails, please refer to "Sub-Account Permissions".
Contacts Main Page - Second Admin
5. Select all the checkboxes under "Email Preferences".
Contacts Main Page - Admin
4. Click on "Save Changes" to complete the update.

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